We can provide consultants capable of improving your business performance across all supply chain and related disciplines. Your business can benefit from our knowledge and strength in the following key areas:
Integrated Approach Between Supply Chain and Sales and Marketing
Problems in business systems/processes arise as a result of poor communication between and/or poor connectivity between functions in a business. This is most evident between supply chain and sales and marketing as these functions historically have little to do with each other in many businesses.
By developing effective communication and regular information flow between the two, both are able to appreciate the needs of the other and work harmoniously towards an agreed, common service goal for their external customers.
Bourne Consultants can quote examples where this has been successfully achieved to the delight of all involved.
Typical benefits include reduced inventory holdings, shorter delivery lead-times, improved customer service levels, and reduced costs across the supply chain in total.
Relationship Building / Management (Internal and External)
Problems in business systems/processes arise as a result of poor communication between and/or poor connectivity between business functions internally, and with suppliers and customers externally. The value chain may need to include suppliers to your suppliers and/or the key customers of your customers in order to optimise processes for all concerned.
Bourne Consultants have experience in understanding the supplier-customer relationships within and outside a business and can coach you in relationship development programs which will enhance business performance for both parties and reduce cost over the medium term.
Supply Chain Performance Review / Management
Many business managers are aware these days of the need to implement performance measurement/management programs across all areas of their business rather than just the traditional areas of finance and sales.
Performance measures which are – simple to measure, simple to understand, simple to influence, and meaningful are the key.
Bourne Consultants are able to review your needs, implement routine performance measurement disciplines and coach you to manage your business based on the criteria that matter to you.
Achieving Successful Outcomes Cost Effectively
Ultimately many consultants provide solutions for problems or improvements for which businesses seek assistance.
It is common that the cost of solutions proposed can not be supported by the financial infrastructure of the current business so projects are shelved indefinitely, resulting in disgruntled customers, dissatisfied staff and diminishing profits.
By direct liaison with key stakeholders in your business and a keen understanding of your aspirations and finances Bourne Consultants commit to providing you options which meet your needs cost effectively. We are able to provide you with a program of change which can be implemented in stages so immediate benefits are realised, and when the business is able to support further growth the next steps are clearly defined.
Supply Chain Process Review / Re-Engineering
Supply Chains of today are now more complex than ever, with responsibility for many more functions than ever before.
Whilst there are often disconnects between functions in many businesses there are often more fundamental disconnects between processes within the supply chain itself.
Bourne Consultants have a track record of success in reviewing internal processes, identifying bottle necks, disconnects, and poor quality data which impact on the supply chain performance in a negative way. Often the solution is simple and of little cost but those involved are just too closely involved to see the solution.
On occasions data accuracy is poor so MRP systems in place do not provide the correct signals in a timely manner – resulting in poor inventory management and poor customer service levels.
We are able to assist across all facets of supply chain management including :
- demand forecasting
- manufacturing planning
- purchasing
- inventory/working capital control
- consignment stock management
- warehousing
- distribution
- customer service
- order to cash management
We encourage to contact us to discuss your areas of interest.
Strategy Development and Implementation
In a world where change is constant, companies need to continually challenge the current way of doing business to ensure they are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible – returning stakeholders value now, whilst not losing sight of the fact that they must be developing and implementing changes to keep pace with future customer needs.
The speed with which change is sometimes required can cause resistance and often trauma to the point that businesses fall behind their competitors rapidly and are unable to recover easily.
Strategy review and development is intended to ensure the current performance is aligned with the future direction and the program of change (systems, processes, people) delivers the optimum outcome cost effectively.
Strategy implementation must ensure buy in from all staff and others affected in order to ensure they understand and support the direction the business is taking, and help to deliver changes ahead of time and below budget. Bourne Consultants experience in the development, review, planning, communication and implementation required to achieve these objectives will prove invaluable to your business.
ERP System Set Up / Review / Alignment
Apart from labour costs, systems required for businesses to operate efficiently and effectively may be the highest cost in the technology age of today. These needs are ever changing, requiring businesses to ensure money is spent wisely on systems which are scaleable for the future, resisting the temptation to change functionality rendering it to the scrap heap well before replacement can be justified financially.
Most businesses use less than 50% of available functionality because they do not understand what is possible, do not recognise the need, or set their systems up incorrectly. This can cause constant errors, duplication of effort, frustration and ultimately huge cost.
Bourne Consultants have experience across a large number of ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems and associated support software, and have associations with the suppliers of such systems so whether it be education, set up or system enhancement we can guide you to select from options aimed at getting the best performance for the lowest cost.
Contract Negotiation / Review
With many years of experience in multi-million dollar sales and purchasing contracts Bourne Consultants are ideally skilled to assist you in the preparation of and/or review of purchasing contracts – tenders, RFI’s, RFP’s, RFQ’s.
(RFI – request for interest / RFP – request for proposal / RFQ – request for quotation)
We are also able to assist with complex sales submissions in order to ensure balance between the offer and customer requirements – validating costs and benefits to ensure a sustainable offer delivers value profitably.
Outsourcing Functions / Processes
Bourne Consultants have experience in outsourcing functions where they are considered by a business to be non-core, too costly, where there is limited capability in-house, where it is not critical and deserves only low focus, and/or where it is critical and is not performing to the desired level.
Outsourced functions can operate separately from the business or can be set up in a fully integrated environment depending on the need for connectivity and visibility.
Typical examples of outsourced functions include : manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, customer service, systems support. Many other functions can be outsourced and we encourage your enquiry to determine how best to meet your needs.
Customer and Service Focus
We have experience in running customer service teams of 50+ members across Australia and New Zealand in centralised and de-centralised environments. We also have experience in running customer service teams from a call centre to a “full service” environment where specialist team members are responsible for customer needs from order placement through to fulfilment.
Customers may access your products/services by phone, fax, email or via the internet so the development of systems/tools to facilitate their enquiries is essential. Technology used must keep pace with changing needs whilst set up and operating expenses must fit within cost constraints.
You may have a simple product/service offer or have many thousands of product lines requiring a customer service team with technical knowledge or systems where complex products can be accessed efficiently and effectively, delivering real-time feedback to customers online.
Excellence in customer service is often underpinned by an efficient supply chain delivering high levels of product availability.
Excellence in supply chain performance is often underpinned by high levels of sales forecast accuracy.
Bourne Consultants can advise across all aspects of the service offer due to experience in systems, processes, support tools and personnel requirements, coaching you to optimise service whilst managing costs.
Complex Problem Solving
Problems in business systems/processes arise as a result of poor communication between and/or poor connectivity between functions in a business.
Bourne Consultants have experience across all business functions and as a result all processes, including their inputs and outputs, can be assessed with the desired business goals in mind to ensure a “fit for purpose” flow of communication, data and product/components.
By ensuring integrity, excellence, innovation and transparency – we form partnerships that benefit our customers and provide a superior customer experience.